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History Introduction
The Liousing temple was established by General Delu Wang. Its statue of Mazu is from Tianhogong (Tianho temple) of Bengang.
In a folk-tale, In 1797, floods destroyes the Singang downtown and Tianho temple, the first temple to worship Mazu in Chiayi. In 1811, the three statues of Mazu had to stay in god of earth temple for temporary before Fongtiangong (Fongtian temple) fnishing construction. In 1826, two new Mazu temples, Fongtian temple of Singang and Chaotian temple of Beigang, both competed to place the statues. Finally, they reach an agreement mediated through general Wang: one of statues was located in Fongtian temple, the other one in Chaotian temple, and the third one placed in General Wang’s place in Sibei. Later, General Wang established a new temple for worshiping Mazu near his house. To pray the nearby six villages for well-developing, the new temple was named “Liousing”.
In 1906, an earthquake destroyed Loiusing temple. In 1914, Shunqi Wang ( the descendant of General Wang), Jiang Jijheng, and Li Wusha financed the re-establishment the temple on the president site by the master, Yingbin Chen. From 1951 to 1961, Liousing temple was extended to the present scale.